FMMK Inspirations for Better Living - Oct 2021 Volume 6 | Page 11

If you need help finding your miracle mindset , start with these five small steps .
Have you ever experienced a miracle ? What was it , and how did it make you feel ? Let me now stop and share one of my miracles right now . When I was 15 years old , I was playing Kick Ball in my physical education class . I reached to grab the ball , and my left kneecap ( patella ) popped out of place . Due to many complications that would follow this injury , I was unable to walk for many years . Nothing the doctors recommended helped me . I refused to believe I would be permanently disabled . I am a stubborn woman about my own strength . At this time , knee replacement did not exist , so that was not an option .
At the age of 19 — still not recovered---the doctors decided to do a tendon transplant . The tendon would be relocated to try to hold the patella in place . It worked , but my surgeon made a medical mistake and pinched the main nerve in my lower leg . I was paralyzed from the knee down . After 6 months of electrical muscular stimulation treatments for 30 minutes 3 times a week , I began to have feeling in my leg again . My doctors told me the likelihood of me ever walking normally again would not happen .
Stubborn Randi did not believe them . My mind devised my own recovery plan . I developed my own exercise program using bricks on my shoes , bands , whatever I could find . I worked desperately every day for the next year to build my muscles back up . The pain was often terrible . Did I cry a lot ? Of course , but did that stop me ? No , my doctors gave up on me , but I never gave up on me . I walked again and was able to dance---one of my passions . This is just one of the many ways I have been able to use my mindset to create my miracles . I will share more later .
Miracles require for us to let go … and that ’ s not always easy for some people . We may have become used to being “ dragged ” through life . Finding my miracles has always been easy for me , though .
If you need help finding your miracle mindset , start with these five small steps .
Look for the little wonders in your life . I ’ ll share a personal example here . One day a few months ago , I was missing my late husband Bill a lot . He tragically passed away on December 15 , 2019 , from lung cancer . I needed him
so much . As I sat outside on the bench near my garage door , looking at the TR3 now resting idly under a brown plastic tarp cover . I was feeling so sad because this car had been a special car restoration Bill never got to finish . Suddenly , a beautiful male cardinal landed on the tarp right in front of me and stayed there . Usually , they are very shy around me , but this sweet little guy just stood there staring at me . I sat quietly , trying not to move in fear of scaring him . It flew off the car , moved a little closer , and stayed focused on me for what felt like an eternity . I felt as if he was looking right into my soul . When the bird finally flew off , I burst into tears , but then a huge smile filled my face . Cardinals were always Bill ’ s