Inspirations for Better Living August 2022 | Page 7

With gratitude and blessings always , Johnny
I had dreamt of joining the World Health Organization with my Agricultural Engineering degree . Traveling the world and being of service to others would have been a perfect postgraduation bonus . However , at 21 , I worked seven days a week between classes and sold my blood plasma twice weekly to pay for my college expenses and food . Compounding the financial challenge , the university raised the out-of-state tuition fee by almost double for the first time . Resolute and determined , I kept the pace for as long as possible until the bi-weekly blood plasma sale finally caught up .
I fell ill and had to drop out of school in the middle of the spring semester of my junior year . The only thought I had every morning was , how can I pay for the living expenses rather than my grades ? The shift was frightening . I was desperately looking for solutions . What the hell happened to me ? What is my destiny ? Why am I in this situation ? I was twenty-one years old and felt stranded in America . Too proud to share my circumstance with my mom and others around me , I kept to myself . I was ashamed and embarrassed by my life ’ s performance . Experiencing constant fogginess , I couldn ’ t think straight . Feeling extremely discouraged , I thought I was toast and done !
After two months of recovery , I enrolled in summer school , despite feeling insecure about my future . It paid off as I aced the four courses I studied . The achievement boosted my selfconfidence . However , the excitement didn ’ t last long , as I faced the dilemma of not being able to afford my Fall semester tuition . I was already working the maximum allowable hours a student could work . With my newfound inner strength , I boldly decided to sit out for one year and work off campus .
On the cusps of my 22 birthday , I applied for a manager trainee position at a local franchised American-themed restaurant chain to end the cycle of stress . The owner needed a fresh start , and I needed the money . This pivoting moment led me to new exciting challenges with rewarding benefits . By the end of the audacious year , I steered onto a new trajectory in my life ’ s journey . The path took me away from going back to college full-time . Instead , as an Autodidact , I complimented my work schedule with the best resources available from night school , business seminars , and Harvard Business Reviews . At 33 , I became the company ’ s Chief Operating Officer . When I left seven years later to pursue my dream of owning my own business , I had grown the organization from 5 to 25 restaurants with over 600 + multi-generational workforce .

By the end of the audacious year , I steered onto a new trajectory in my life ’ s journey .

From a curious child born in Malaysia under the Leo sign described as “ leaders who are determined , assertive , and driven ” to living my American dream , I am forever grateful for Nyah ’ s insightful advice and loving guidance . By embracing Dee , Elsa Mae , and Carol ’ s unique blend of perspectives and powerful words of encouragement and wisdom , I discovered how to live and perform in my Genius Zone . I found smiling sows happiness , gratitude cultivates blessings , and generosity reaps abundance . In challenging times , faith comforts , hope inspires , and love empowers . Success results from dreaming larger , achieving greater , and becoming spectacular . Finally , regardless of where we are in life , always lean towards heaven , and let curiosity turn chaos into peace and clarity .
I hope a snippet of my life ’ s journey helps you to reflect upon the various high notes of this summer . May you treasure them with joy and laughter !

With gratitude and blessings always , Johnny

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