The most ordinary events usually end up being the sweetest memories . Being present during the small moments will always make us appreciate the happiness when it happens .
Until we try to put ourselves beyond our comfort zone , we will not realize we have what it takes to make a difference in that person ’ s life and ours .
With Gratitude and Blessings Always ! Johnny www . FromMyMamasKitchen . org
For mothers - They cannot wait to have the family break bread together over a meal to celebrate love and legacy .
For children - Your mom will always be more excited to see you than you are to see her . Savor the unconditional love and be in the moment .
For Individuals - Those fortunate to have secured the generosity of a friend ’ s invitation to be with their family , be very thankful for the love you are receiving . For others , always remember you are never alone . Divine Grace is always with you . Although the food may fill your tummy and the camaraderie of friends gives you a sense of belonging , the loving energy you generate from within you nourishes your heart , mind , body , and spirit , which ultimately touches the heart and moves the soul of others .
For families celebrating this holiday season with their loved ones , I would like to share with you what my Cajun Mom , Ginger , told me a long time ago : “ The natural life can always be funny and humorous . The most ordinary events usually end up being the sweetest memories . Being present during the small moments will always make us appreciate the happiness when it happens .”
For families and individuals who have graciously decided to open their hearts and homes for others , as well as those who are contemplating doing so - Here is what my German Mom , Dianne , shared with me a few years back : “ Every once in a while , a situation may occur that requires us to radiate our energy of positive goodwill , compassion , and love for others . Until we try to put ourselves beyond our comfort zone , we will not realize we have what it takes to make a difference in that person ’ s life and ours .”
It brings me joy to share the above with you . I am happy to say that I have experienced it all in my
The most ordinary events usually end up being the sweetest memories . Being present during the small moments will always make us appreciate the happiness when it happens .
Until we try to put ourselves beyond our comfort zone , we will not realize we have what it takes to make a difference in that person ’ s life and ours .
life ' s journey . The enriching memories of each occasion have a unique place in my HEART .
During this holiday season , I encourage you to look through the lens of love . “ Regardless of Where You are in Life , Always Lean Towards Heaven ” will help you navigate your holidays with plenty of Happiness , Blessings , and Abundance !
My sister Leng , in her many words of excellent advice for me over the years , puts it best :
Health – makes all things possible . Wealth – makes all things work . Love – makes all things beautiful .
May you have all Three .
As a final note of Joy and Happiness , I received a note from the North Pole - I made it ! I was asked to share it with you as a Gentle Reminder - “ It is Not too Late to Get on Santa ’ s Nice List ! HO , HO , HO !”
With Gratitude and Blessings Always ! Johnny www . FromMyMamasKitchen . org
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