Inspirations for Better Living July 2024 | Page 5

“ It is not about the circumstances in life that matter , but how we react to the circumstances . If we aim to change the world , we must first train ourselves to respond to the world .”
With gratitude and blessings always , Johnny
“ It is not about the circumstances in life that matter , but how we react to the circumstances . If we aim to change the world , we must first train ourselves to respond to the world .”
Taking her recipe for living to heart , I realize I am the architect of my life and want to create the joy and Happiness I have always experienced during the summer months of yesteryear . Since July is the beginning of the second half of this incredible year , I have embraced Carol ’ s wisdom that “ Living a successful life is about being in the moment with flexibility and a growth mindset . Although I have made plans , life changes around those plans . I need to remind myself I can pivot my trajectory to match my needs in life . Ultimately , only I know what I need .”
I am also reminded of the recipe for living my Malaysian mom , Nyah , taught me when I was 18 years old , just before I left home and traveled half the world to attend Louisiana State University .
She said , “ Your dad and I have done the best we know how in raising you and love you to the best of our abilities . Since childhood , you have been exposed to all kinds of experiences , and now you are about to embark on your life ' s journey , where you will continue to encounter and gain new experiences . Some experiences , good or bad , will stay with you for the rest of your life . However , it is how you manage them that will ultimately determine your idea of success or failure in both your personal and professional life .”
I am always grateful for the above evergreen recipes for living life . They helped me focus on the present moment , which is the creative foundation for the days , weeks , and months ahead . When everything goes as planned , a happy , joyous celebration will always be the end result .
I know it is challenging to stay focused on the good happenings around us right now when we have so much distraction from background noises about politics , the economy , war , and unsettling climate changes that are siphoning our daily energy ; however , our Happiness should always be a top priority .
When we are Happy , something special happens within and around us . We are the “ Joyful Magnet ” everyone wants to be in company with . Our
Happiness is the positive reverberating energy that serves as a beacon of hope for everyone in our community , as all the positivity begets more positivity !
I have always been a positive thinker . I never tapped out , even when , at times , it seemed that I should have . Throughout my life , I have been a natural at weathering the storm within . Whether driven by passion or obsession , I would rejuvenate my mind , body , and spirit by reminding myself to count my blessings and allow my heart to lead the way .
My rejuvenation process starts with a smile as I gleefully recall some beautiful playfulness , coziness , and fun memories . Remembering these delightful blessed moments in silence helped nurture my heart-centered self , as I felt refreshed and excited again . The empowering energy gave me the strength , courage , and confidence to continue on with my action plans with a fresh perspective .
This summer ’ s counting our blessings moments are all about remembering and celebrating our past and present achievements and accomplishments . This profound silence contemplation will empower us to navigate positively through the remainder of the year , especially after we have experienced some unexpected setbacks in recent weeks or months . Living consciously in the moment will always position us perfectly at the edge of redesigning our future to successfully experience the magical harmony of joyful living 360 . I wish everyone a spectacular summer !

With gratitude and blessings always , Johnny

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