Another thing I have come to realize over the years is that although , in our eyes , our moms are not perfect , their love is genuine .
Another thing I have come to realize over the years is that although , in our eyes , our moms are not perfect , their love is genuine .
As an adopted child at birth and later in the United States , experiencing the motherly attention I received from my 8 “ surrogate moms ,” I must be the luckiest kid on the block ! I was fortunate to have my 9 Moms as cheerleaders whenever I was inches away from the various finish lines . Their genuine caring support was the push when I was at a stop and a guide when I was rolling . I am forever in gratitude for their presence in my life .
In celebrating the Leaving of a Legacy of Love this Mother ' s Day , I want to share some timeless recipes for living my 9 Moms left me with everyone .
Nyah Tan , My Malaysian Mom : In every one of Us , there is a Seed of Greatness . The essence of this Seed fuels our very Existence and Success . Its Genius helps us to create our goals , dreams , and desires . Its Talent helps us to accomplish them with a heartfelt passion !
Eleanora Carter , My Southern Belle Mom : Our Charm May Open Doors . However , It is Our Authentic Integrity that Keeps them Open !
Carol Wisdom , My Italian Foster Mom : Wisdom is about Knowing Others . Enlightenment is about Knowing Ourselves !
Toni Winters , My Sanguine Savannah Mom : Life Always Provides a Rear View Vision of the Opportunities and Possibilities Ahead !
Elsa Mae Stevens , My Spiritual Progressive Mom : We Live in a Closed System . Living too much to the Right or Left of Life ’ s Spectrum will eventually result in an unbalanced and unhealthy Lifestyle ! We cannot create Order without creating Disorder elsewhere .
Dee Jones , My Texan Earthy Mom : What we did Yesterday is not as Important as What we are going to do Today because What we do Today will Define Who We are Tomorrow !
Betty Tamas , My Ballroom Instructor Mom : Dancing is living in the moment with heart , passion , and enthusiasm . These three ingredients allow us to experience a lifetime of bliss in a threeand-a-half-minute song !
Dianne Heise , My German Mom : Until we put ourselves beyond our comfort zone , we will not realize we have what it takes to make a difference in another person ’ s life and ours .
Ginger White , My Cajun Mom : The Sweetest Memories are when we find Humor in Everything We Do !
I have also learned from my 9 Moms that we can never love our mom more than she loves us . Hidden in her demeanor of silent nervousness , she will always be more excited to see us than we are to see her , and she will always be prouder of us than she verbally expresses !
Another thing I have come to realize over the years is that although , in our eyes , our moms are not perfect , their love is genuine . They will always love us the best way they know how . I have been fortunate and privileged to hear others describe motherly love based on their experiences with their moms . From their interesting descriptive
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