Inspirations for Better Living - Volume 2 | Page 11

mysterious ability to allow a person to stand at the edge of life and death . Thus , this began my path to neuroscience nursing .
After further study and receiving a Master of Science degree in Neuroscience Nursing in addition to carefully tending to the needs of people devastated by illness or injury to their brains – I evolved into somewhat of an expert . Nurses consider those chosen few who become neuroscience nurses to be the elite of nurses . My field of interest led me to positions in the Emergency Room , the Intensive Care Unit , the general neuro units , and Acute Rehabilitation of both adults and children . I even spent some of my career nursing in mental health . Brain is brain , after all .
I ’ m often asked , “ How can you stand to work in such a depressing field ?” My answer is always the same … I can ’ t save them all , for certain . But if I can ease the pain or lift the spirits of just one patient or family member each day , I have had a very successful day . Through the years I believe I have done that .
I ’ ve learned to read people really well because brain injured individuals can ’ t always express their needs clearly ; they act out , lash out , and say things that don ’ t always make sense . My job , as I see it , is to make sense of things that make no sense . I can read the emotions of my patients just by looking into their eyes . You can see the pain , the anguish , the fear , hurt , anger , and anxiety . I ’ ve learned how I say something is far more important than the actual message I ’ m trying to convey .
So , back to my original thought . What makes us who we are ? Could it be genes ? Could it be my nurturing or upbringing ? Or are the Buddhists right ? Was I a nurse in a former life ? Whatever it is , I feel very much a nurse at my core ; it ’ s the fabric of who I am . I feel comfortable in my nurse-skin . I never felt an imposter , and although sometimes tired , I never dreaded going to work every day . I ’ m who I was destined to be . Why or how , I may never know , but I know my heart is in it .
By the way , The World Health Organization designated 2020 as “ The Year of the Nurse ” Covid-19 Stole It . AND HERE ’ S THE PLAN TO TAKE IT BACK :
Please click on the link to express your THANKS to a Nurse You Know ! I am sure they will be thrilled with gratitude .
https :// thankanurseteamchallenge . org /

Pamela Jane Nye

Associate Professor UCLA School of Nursing , Nurse Practitioner Program President / CEO Neuroscience Nu rsing , Ltd
Owner Operation Scrubs , Inc . 501 ( c ) 3