Inspirations for Better Living - Volume 2 | Page 8

DENISE SCHAUB was a successful attorney and recent candidate for probate judge when her world changed suddenly , pivoting her into a new personal journey that some of us are currently experiencing or will soon encounter in the natural cycle of life . Using her active listening expertise from 15 years of practicing law , Denise founded Caregiver Wellness , LLC to catalyze transformative healing and empower carers of elderly loved ones . Her experience of transitioning from near burnout to integrating self-care and wellness into her caregiving lifestyle became the essence of her success . It led her to become a certified Integrative Nutrition coach . She believes being our best selves allows us to care with confidence and compassion . As an author , Denise chronicled her journey in Growing Through Dementia . The upcoming June release of Chicken Soup For The Soul : Navigating Eldercare & Dementia will feature her story . She will also be speaking at the Global Premier Congress on Women Health & Empowerment Expo in Paris , France , this summer . After ten years of caring for her mother and coaching clients walking the eldercare path , Denise is an expert in lovingly parenting our parents ! Denise returns to help you set beneficial boundaries as a caregiver .
DR . RANDI D . WARD is our editor-in-chief extraordinaire ! At 71 years young , she has been a " mother " to hundreds of children during her 37-years as a Georgia Language Arts educator . Her teaching journey has taken her to Cairo , Egypt , where she started several language schools teaching ESOL . Randi is also an African animal advocate and environmentalist . She is an honorary president of World Peace Forest ( Africa ) and USA Regional Director for Africa Nomads Conservation . Her passion for life and humanity has earned her many awards and honors . Randi has recently received the IAOTP Lifetime Achievement Award and was inducted into their Hall of Fame . Her life ' s philosophy is " Believe ! Don ' t dream big ; dream bigger ! The sky is the limit , so reach for the stars !" Randi has traveled to 60 countries on four continents . From one of her destinations came her memoir that encapsulated her view of what life is all about , Because I Believed In Me - My Egyptian Fantasy Came True . Today , Randi is a master editor and visionary book consultant . By the way , as a mother and forever teacher , she is making sure I am " crossing my t ' s and dotting my i ' s "… Ha , Ha , Ha !
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If you know of an organization or group that can share our Inspirations for Better Living magazine with its members , please email me at Magazine @ FromMyMamasKitchen . com . I believe in collaboration and want to give a 10 % donation back to the organization .
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With Gratitude and Blessings Always , Johnny
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