Inspirations for Better Living January 2025 | Page 4


The New Year , The New Me

Happy 2025 Everyone ! It is time to refresh our heart , mind , body , and spirit as we look forward to the next 12 months ! One of the most insightful pieces of advice I received from my Texan Earthly mom , Dee , is that we are always preoccupied with the past and future and spend very little time in the present ! She said , “ As hush as it may sound , personal growth can ’ t happen without destructive energy from lessons learned or experience gained . Creativity occurs when we shift our mindset to focus on the present rather than reminiscing about the past and dreaming about the future that has yet to happen .”
So January is the perfect time to relaunch ourselves in a fun , energizing way in the new year . Regardless of where we are in our life ’ s journey , it is never too late to revamp what is not working , refine what has been sputtering along , and , of course , create a new version of ourselves to achieve the thriving success we have always wanted !
In processing our ambition with an enthusiastic smile , we need to embrace a strategy that requires the proper understanding of what we actually want to accomplish and how to initiate the transformational mindset followed by an unwavering commitment .
Every New Year , I use these Six Strategies I learned from my 9 Moms to help me create the New Me . I hope they will facilitate your journey in designing the New You this year !
The Dance of Life : When we view life as synchronicity in motion , valuing the experiences we have encountered as tremendous precious contributions to our knowledge gained and lessons learned , we are now equipped with a vision of opportunities arising from the respective setbacks along with a world of possibilities that lie ahead waiting for us . Like real-life dancing , once we are done thinking / planning the various steps / patterns we want to do , our mind shifts to “ feeling ” the music as we enjoy its rhythmic flow .
Unfolding Life ’ s Silence Perfection : Instead of hesitating whether to step out of our comfort zone , why not empower ourselves to expand our comfort zone ? The result is that we just created a bubble of quiet confidence that
4 | Inspirations for Better Living • January 2025