Regardless of where we are in our life ’ s journey , it is never too late to revamp what is not working , refine what has been sputtering along , and , of course , create a new version of ourselves to achieve the thriving success we have always wanted !
With gratitude and blessings always , Johnny
invincibly encapsulates us to keep ourselves safe yet allows curiosity to lead the way for our adventurous nature to try something new and learn something different .
Love is Nothing without Forgiveness : The power of unconditional love is about accepting that life always moves in one direction : forward ! We can ’ t change the past , as yesterday is history . However , today is a new beginning for tomorrow , and forgiveness is about nurturing our well-being and cleansing our heart , mind , body , soul , and spirit , as it is not about “ them ,” but instead , it is about “ us .”
Understanding Loneness and Loneliness : When we are engaging within ourselves to experience an awakening , that is Loneness . It is about self-enlightenment . Loneliness is a feeling that can be easily remedied once we are awakened and enlightened , as we are now ready to share with others who we are , what we do , and how we can contribute to helping others and ourselves experience the joy of living in the moment !
Productivity or Busyness : The beauty in productivity is that we are accomplishing tasks that lead to achieving our goals and desires , whereas busyness is about working and completing tasks that do not contribute to our success plan . Although it is essential and perhaps facilitates the decluttering of our mental and physical space , the question is , are we using it as a delayed excuse or a necessity to establish the foundation to launch our dreams ?
The Power of Words : In a nutshell , words without action are meaningless ! We can be authentic with our intentions . However , it is our courageous act that delivers the desired successful results , and , more importantly , it delivers our authenticity with integrity !
I will be the first to attest that it is easier to create an action plan ; however , following through with it is a different story . To remedy this , we need to remind ourselves of this : instead of reminiscing the “ what-ifs … of the past ,” how about dreaming of the “ what-ifs … of the future ,” as the “ New Me ” requires forward-thinking . Embracing this empowering concept provides a peaceful clarity that leads to a daily reminder that “ Passion is when the Heart Creates , and the Mind Formulates .”
The key to any success is to use our manifesting power to align our thoughts , feelings , and actions ; we are now living and performing in our Genius Zone !
The most crucial collective lesson I learned from all my 9 Moms is that regardless of all yesterday ' s happenings , today is a brand new day with a brand new piece of life ’ s canvas waiting for me
Regardless of where we are in our life ’ s journey , it is never too late to revamp what is not working , refine what has been sputtering along , and , of course , create a new version of ourselves to achieve the thriving success we have always wanted !
to sketch , draw , and color with my thoughts and feelings of how I want tomorrow to look like . The “ New Me ” is about successfully utilizing our Genius Zone creative superpower .
As I journey into this promising and exciting new year , I am guided by my 9 Moms ’ evergreen words of support and cheers , “ Life ’ s happiness is not a destination but rather the journey itself . Therefore , always live to learn , to love , and to leave a legacy .”
When we use the knowledge we have gained to make inspired , informed decisions , we empower ourselves with The Courage to Act , which leads us to confidently expand our Comfort Zone to live and thrive in the “ New Me ” we envision in 2025 and beyond !
With gratitude and blessings always , Johnny
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