Inspirations for Better Living June 2024 | Page 4


A Summer of Smiles and Possibilities by JOHNNY TAN

Welcome to June , everyone ! Although our world has been experiencing a tumultuous six months of climate , political , and ideology challenges , it is always timely and refreshing to celebrate and remind ourselves that every moment is a layup opportunity for a better future ! Congratulations to the Class of 2024 graduates for your resounding accomplishments .
Regardless of your age and educational pursuits , graduates , kudos to you for your achievements . Your parents and loved ones are beyond proud and happy of you . Although we are ultimately responsible for our actions and success , somehow , somewhere , our parents and loved ones were the wind beneath our wings as they assisted and cheered us to soar to new heights beyond our own expectations during this chapter of our life ' s journey !
June also holds a special note in my heart as we celebrate Father ’ s Day . My Malaysian father , Baba , affectionally called by my sister and me , adopted me at birth to carry forward the Tan family name . Thanks to his love and unwavering support for me , he championed the opportunity for me to expand my bubble of quiet confidence by sending me halfway around the world to continue my education at Louisiana State University , as I landed in Baton Rouge , Lousiana four months after my 18th birthday .
I can still see and feel the pride in his eyes and the joy in his heart as I walked through the security gate at the Kuala Lumpur International
4 | Inspirations for Better Living • June 2024