Inspirations for Better Living June 2024 | Page 5

Baba often reminds me that there are no coincidences in life . Everything is Divine timing .
With gratitude and blessings always , Johnny
Airport , heading to the plane that would take me on a lifetime journey . That was the last time we set eyes on each other .
A year later , he passed away while I was finishing my first year of college at LSU . The quality time we had together before I left home on a journey that changed the trajectory of my life will forever be in my heart , mind , and spirit . I treasure two attributes I inherited from Baba : his unshakable work ethic and his passion for living life with authentic integrity . I will always be humbled by the memories of how he lived his life , which was dedicated entirely to our family ' s well-being and future success , especially my sister and me .
Due to his work schedule , my sister and I spent plenty of quantity and quality time with our mom , Nyah . However , we were always together for our daily family lunch and dinner , and they were truly special . Baba was a man of actions rather than a man of many words . Those quality times with him gave us the inside view of the man he was : the human being who is spiritual with a mindset that family always comes first and that each one of us has the capacity to leave a positive impact on someone ’ s life as we contribute to their happiness and joy !
Baba often reminds me that there are no coincidences in life . Everything is Divine timing .
Baba often reminds me that there are no coincidences in life . Everything is Divine timing . He was raised a Taoist and lived his life according to the teachings of the Buddha . Interestingly enough , on occasion , Baba would attend church when he felt the calling to do so during Easter . My mom shared this with me the “ rest of the story ” in 2008 when I received my first communion upon embracing Catholicism and became a Eucharistic Minister , as I did not know this about my father . Today , Although I was adopted , I have to say that I am like my father ; I am a Spiritual man driven and guided by Divine Energy to contribute to the wellness of humanity . I have learned that “ Spirituality is the Intersection of Wisdom and Enlightenment .”
The empowering knowledge has led me to live life positively , with constant happy smiles , looking for the upsides of situations , and trusting that all experiences I have encountered are indeed setups for future possibilities of successes and celebrations . All I need to do is “ Dream , Achieve , and Become It !” Along the way , I should be mindful of sharing the knowledge and wisdom I have gained with others and helping build a better world .
As you enter the summer season , please do not let the current global challenges sidetrack you in your journey of happiness and possibilities . Instead , let them be the background noise of motivation and inspiration . Always remind yourself , “ I Matter and Personal Success Begins at Home ,” starting with me !
So , please celebrate your achievements and accomplishments thus far and plan for more to come in the coming days , weeks , and months . Smile and let the beautiful energy of happiness help navigate you throughout the summer of possibilities !

With gratitude and blessings always , Johnny

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