Inspirations for Better Living March 2024 | Page 4


How Women ' s Empowerment

Contributed to My Life

Happy March Everyone ! Last month , Rose-Marie Rumbley , the president of a speaking club at a Senior Assisted Living facility where I teach my proprietary Body In Rhythm Motion Hour class , invited me to speak about my book , “ From My Mama ’ s Kitchen - “ food for the soul , recipes for living .” She had found out about my book , bought it from Amazon , and became intrigued with my Life ’ s journey with my 9 Moms !
Affectionately known as a rock star among the Dallas senior community , Rose- Marie , now 91 years young , is a historian , humorist , author , and actress . Her once-busy schedule of more than 300 appearances yearly at church groups , community colleges , book review clubs , senior centers , and business luncheons kept her empowered daily . She is the nicest and most fascinating person you would ever want to meet .
The majority of the 45 + attendees were women . During the Q & A segment of my presentation , I shared my respective experiences of how
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“ awakening ” it was for me to be loved and cared for by 9 Women whose empowering approach to Life helped me become who I am today . The entire experience was surprisingly delightful , and it was an honor to share my thoughts about women ' s empowerment that mirrored the experiences of the ladies in the audience .
Joyfully , I began by expressing that women ' s empowerment is a big word . What truly is the foundation of self-empowerment begins with the understanding that personal success begins at home within ourselves . I have learned regardless of gender , we must first embrace our uniqueness , the divine fingerprint we are born with , followed by the collective nurturing of our heart , mind , body , and spirit ! I continued by sharing the following ...
I was lucky to experience the essence and impact of my Malaysian mom adopting me at birth when she was 33 years old . Back in her generation , that is kind of “ old ” to adopt a baby . However , Nyah has always been a trailblazer for her time - the first among her four sisters to cut her hair to shoulder length because it was
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