Inspirations for Better Living March 2024 | Page 5

Here are some of my 9 Moms empowering recipes for living that helped shape my life . I hope they will inspire you as we celebrate “ Women ' s History Month ” together .
Here are some of my 9 Moms empowering recipes for living that helped shape my life . I hope they will inspire you as we celebrate “ Women ' s History Month ” together .
Nyah Tan , my Malaysian mom
“ There is a seed of greatness in every one of us . Its Genius helps us to create what we desire . Its Talent helps us to accomplish it with a heartfelt passion .”
Toni Winters , my Sanguine Savannah mom
“ Live today like there is no tomorrow . However , always prepare to live another day .”
Carol Wisdom , my Italian Foster mom
“ Wisdom is rationality collaborating with intuition . It is the combination of knowledge , understanding , and compassion .”
Eleanora Carter , my Southern Belle mom
“ Life requires patience , a happy attitude , and a touch of love . When all three ingredients are blended in the right amount , living is like serving a perfect dish every time .”
Elsa Mae Stevens , my Progressive and Spiritual mom “ We live in a closed system . Living too much to the right or the left of the spectrum will eventually result in an unbalanced and unhealthy lifestyle .”
Dee Jones , my Texan Earthly mom
“ It is not what we did yesterday that is important . It is what we are going to do today that is important because what we do today will define who we are tomorrow .”
Betty Tamas , my Ballroom Instructor mom
“ Dancing is living in the moment with heart , passion , and enthusiasm . These three ingredients allow us to experience a lifetime of bliss in a three-and-ahalf-minute song .”
Dianne Heise , my German mom
“ Once in a while , a situation occurs requiring us to radiate our energy of goodwill , compassion , and love . Until we try expanding our comfort zone , we will not realize we have what it takes to make a difference in a person ' s Life and ours .”
Ginger White , my Cajun mom
“ Life naturally provides us with fun and humor . The most ordinary events usually end up being the sweetest memories . Being present during these small moments will always make us appreciate the happiness when it happens .”
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