Inspirations for Better Living November 2023 | Page 4

Happy November Everyone ! I can ’ t believe we are only weeks away from celebrating my favorite holiday , Thanksgiving . Besides being ready to chow down my fair share of turkey , dressings , and pecan pies , I am reminded each year of how fortunate I am to have been exposed to the various cultures , religious beliefs , and philosophies of life .


Gratitude and Thankfulness

Happy November Everyone ! I can ’ t believe we are only weeks away from celebrating my favorite holiday , Thanksgiving . Besides being ready to chow down my fair share of turkey , dressings , and pecan pies , I am reminded each year of how fortunate I am to have been exposed to the various cultures , religious beliefs , and philosophies of life .
One of the most essential things I have experienced in each is the celebration of gratitude and thankfulness ! Although it is an official holiday here in America , which I love , the concept of being grateful is ever-present worldwide . It may very well be what unites rather than divides us as citizens of Mother Earth !
Among the many lessons my 9 Moms taught me was that two separate but equal forces govern all of our decision-making processes , whether in our professional or personal life - Love or Fear ! I have learned from an early age to always look through the lens of love . Growing up in Malaysia , my Malaysian mom , Nyah , constantly reminded me that the view I saw was about contributing to someone ' s happiness . The lesson here is building a bridge of understanding and empathy , which leads the recipient of our genuine goodwill to express their thankfulness as they are also led to view us through their lens of love !
4 | Inspirations for Better Living • November 2023