Inspirations for Better Living November 2023 | Page 5

Although , in general , we are taught to be grateful whenever we experience pluses in our lives , given enough time for reflection and introspection , just about all the time , we will indeed be thankful for the minuses as well .
With Gratitude and Blessings Always ! Johnny www . FromMyMamasKitchen . org
I will always treasure my first Thanksgiving experience with my Southern Bell mom , Eleanora , her family , and friends in Baton Rouge , Louisiana . The comforting warmth and crackling sounds emanating from the pine wood in the fireplace created a perfect atmosphere for everyone to settle into after eating the delicious , hefty , homecooked meal . Soon , the camaraderie of friends and family laughing and reminiscing about the year ’ s experiences became the highlight of the occasion . Conversations about knowledge gained and lessons learned led everyone to share their year ’ s gratitude and thankfulness lists .
Why am I thankful ? How have I been blessed ? Who in my life am I most grateful for this year ? All these questions became the ideal opening lines for a beautiful story-telling conversation . The celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday quickly became personal for me . I found myself answering each question as if I was taking a test . However , instead of feeling the usual test anxiety , I was experiencing joy and love . I expressed my gratitude and thankfulness for my parents taking a leap of faith in sending their only son at 18 years of age , halfway around the world , to attend college at Louisiana State University in the hope of a better life for me . I can only imagine how difficult the decision was , as my dad , Baba , had been sick for several years at that time . He passed away four months later into the new year , as I was in the middle of the first semester of my sophomore year . I found out about his passing three weeks later upon receiving a letter from home . My mom , Nyah , did not want me to worry about our family loss but instead advised me to focus on my studies and future !
Although , in general , we are taught to be grateful whenever we experience pluses in our lives , given enough time for reflection and introspection , just about all the time , we will indeed be thankful for the minuses as well . Interestingly enough , each moment of experience contributes to our wholeness as we are all born with a unique divine fingerprint that requires constant subtle and sometimes not so subtle reminders on how to redirect our life ’ s journey in the right direction for ourselves and others . Another profound recipe for living life my 9 Moms taught me is that there are three basic human desires . Everyone wants to live a life of Happiness , with plenty of Blessings , and be rewarded with Abundance ! Regardless of where we are on that journey , the positive vibrational energy from a conscious attitude of gratitude and thankfulness will always facilitate and help us navigate our travel toward our desired destinations . It is an enhanced manifestation technique at its best !
Although , in general , we are taught to be grateful whenever we experience pluses in our lives , given enough time for reflection and introspection , just about all the time , we will indeed be thankful for the minuses as well .
During this season of celebrating gratitude and thankfulness , I am ever so grateful for the tremendous continuous support I am receiving from our talented team of expert contributors , past and present , who believe in our heart-centered and passion-driven educational platform of empowering moms with delightful , hefty servings of monthly inspirations . I am graciously thankful for our talented publishing team : our editor-inchief , Randi Ward , and our designer , Jessica Trippe , who continuously amazes me with her inspiring and engaging layouts . Most importantly , I am beyond grateful for YOU , Our Readers ! Thank you so much for subscribing and being a part of Our Extended Family . Your support is helping us strengthen humanity by building a better world for everyone to benefit from and follow during these challenging and chaotic times .
Happy Thanksgiving , everyone . May you already have your list of Gratitude and Thankfulness ready , and can ’ t wait to share it with your family and loved ones on “ Turkey Day !”

With Gratitude and Blessings Always ! Johnny www . FromMyMamasKitchen . org

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