Inspirations for Better Living September 2023 | Page 4

I always cherish September , the first month after my August birthday celebration . I am filled with fresh new energy and enthusiasm , and more importantly , I have the newly refined to-do list for the next 12 months of my heart-centered and passion-driven projects ready to launch to contribute to building a better world for others to benefit from and follow !

Fall - A Season of Reflection

and Reset

I always cherish September , the first month after my August birthday celebration . I am filled with fresh new energy and enthusiasm , and more importantly , I have the newly refined to-do list for the next 12 months of my heart-centered and passion-driven projects ready to launch to contribute to building a better world for others to benefit from and follow !
Recently , I found out Amy Newmark , the publisher and editor-in-chief of Chicken Soup for the Soul books series , also embraces Fall as a season of reflection and reset . In my August From My Mama ’ s Kitchen ® Talk Radio Show interview with Amy , she views September as the beginning of a seasonal new year ! Amy pointed out that even Mother Nature gives us clues with falling leaves , which is a perfect time to regroup and reset ourselves . Her company just released Chicken Soul for the Soul : Get Out of Your Comfort Zone - 101 Stories about Trying New Things , Overcoming Fear , and Broadening Your World , just in time to inspire and empower people to expand their bubble of quiet confidence this Fall and beyond !
Over the years , I have learned that timely introspection has helped me view the past as a classroom for lessons learned . The rearview vision always provides me with exciting opportunities and possibilities that lie ahead . When I accept with grace that some things have not worked out as planned because the timing is off , and especially after giving them my best , I let the universe sort them out .
My Malaysian mom , Nyah , used to constantly remind me , “ Life and situations have a way of working themselves out eventually through a universal order . If we believe in faith and live our lives with full expectancy , then we can trust that all things will work out for our greatest good .”
4 | Inspirations for Better Living • September 2023